Reaching new heights
in private equity in Israel

Creating success through harmonious teamwork

About Fortissimo Capital

Our Approach to Private Equity

Fortissimo Capital is a leading private equity fund in Israel investing primarily in technology and industrial companies. Our unique, proactive approach to private equity investments empowers us to think out of the box to achieve the seemingly impossible, and build long-term, sustainable growth.

Our Name

Fortissimo (noted as “ff“) is a musical term that indicates a strong, full-sound to be performed. We draw inspiration from great orchestras. Each musician plays their specific instrument, yet, when playing in sync, the results are extraordinary. Similar to the music world, we strive to have each of our companies perform as an orchestra with excellent managers and employees who work together harmoniously to achieve exceptional results.


Our partners bring a wealth of experience and perspective, from those who have worked together for over two decades to our most recent members. Our diverse team operates seamlessly, leveraging each other’s strengths to make well-informed decisions. We believe that honesty, trust, respect, transparency and collaboration are crucial ingredients for success at Fortissimo as well as at our portfolio companies.


Raised from leading
international investors

6 funds

Managed since 2004


Portfolio companies

Our Criteria for Investment

Typically, we invest in companies with the following characteristics:
Leading, viable technology implemented in existing products

Consistent revenue stream and pipeline from top-tier customers

Clear path to profitability

High growth market

Potential to gain a leading market share

Experienced management team

Our Investment Focus

Our private equity funds focus on providing capital in special situations, buyouts, and growth capital opportunities to facilitate expansion. Prospective investments include transactions with the following:

  • Private companies with significant revenues, a solid customer base and effective business model that require growth capital to further enhance their operations
  • Public companies that seek significant growth capital to scale operations through vertical or horizontal expansion and potentially via acquisitions of complementary technologies and entities
  • Spin-offs of divisions of larger public or private companies that have a leading edge in their respective industry, but are not in the core business focus of the parent company
  • Selling shareholders that seek to divest significant stakes in successful, mature companies

Fund Performance

We have delivered strong returns to our investors and strive to continue to do so by enhancing the fundamentals of a business and building long term, sustainable growth.

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